Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This is my final project in Final Cut Pro. I got the dailies of a fight scene in the old show Gunsmoke and edited them to make a straight sequence. My overall concept for editing the sequence was to make it as believable and continuous as possible. There were a number of different shots of the entire fight, so there was definitely a lot of material to choose from. I ended up using the entire longshot of the fight, with close-ups of certain moments to enhance the drama. I used primarily straight cuts (with one wipe transition), so I made sure to time the cuts on an action (like a punch or a fall), so the continuous nature of the scene was clear. I also added sound effects (like slaps and punches) that I found on Making the timing of these sound effects accurate was difficult, but I used the frame-by-frame arrow keys and markers in order to make a very specific placement of the sound. At the end I added titles, with text superimposed over the final shot. To polish off the movie, I found a old-timey news music clip from the stock selections in GarageBand to end with a heroic feeling. 

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