Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This is my final project in Final Cut Pro. I got the dailies of a fight scene in the old show Gunsmoke and edited them to make a straight sequence. My overall concept for editing the sequence was to make it as believable and continuous as possible. There were a number of different shots of the entire fight, so there was definitely a lot of material to choose from. I ended up using the entire longshot of the fight, with close-ups of certain moments to enhance the drama. I used primarily straight cuts (with one wipe transition), so I made sure to time the cuts on an action (like a punch or a fall), so the continuous nature of the scene was clear. I also added sound effects (like slaps and punches) that I found on Making the timing of these sound effects accurate was difficult, but I used the frame-by-frame arrow keys and markers in order to make a very specific placement of the sound. At the end I added titles, with text superimposed over the final shot. To polish off the movie, I found a old-timey news music clip from the stock selections in GarageBand to end with a heroic feeling. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final Cut Pro: Graphic Match Project

In this project, I chose three different shapes, found two or more videos containing each shape and cut/edited the videos to match the shapes.

I used many more of the feature of Final Cut Pro in this project. I used the motion editing vectors to achieve zoom-in, rotation and rescaling, so each shape would be in the same location in the frame and a similar size. I also used a wave filter to match the movement of two shapes.

I would have liked to add one song to the entire video, but I ran out of time. Perhaps I will find an appropriate song and go back to add it later.

Final Cut Pro Cut to Rhythm Project

This is my first attempt at using Final Cut Pro to edit video. The assignment was to find two or more videos and cut back and forth between them according to the rhythm of a song. I chose the song "17 Years" by Ratatat, because it has a solid beat on which to base the videos. The song is rather intense and epic, so I chose videos to express more intense content, namely the juxtaposition of wealth, capitalism, nuclear power and poverty.

In doing this project, I became familiar with using the viewer, canvas and timeline windows to understand which part of the video I was manipulating. I also used basic tools, such as the razor blade and markers, to cut the video sequence to the beat of the song.